Uncovering True Identity: The Power of the Gospel in a World of False Perceptions
Our identity—how we perceive ourselves—shapes our decisions, relationships, values, and even our potential.
However, how we see ourselves is not always the same as who we truly are. For instance, I might believe I am good enough to play professional basketball, but my age and lack of athletic ability would quickly reveal otherwise—giving me an identity “wake-up call.”
Nowhere is this difference in perception and reality regarding our identity more significant than in our spiritual lives. Many have misconceptions about who they are in God’s eyes, believing things far from the truth. Here are just a few examples:
- “I exist because of scientific chance and therefore do not matter.”
- “I am doing just fine on my own and don’t need God in my life.”
- “I am a good person who deserves to go to heaven.”
- “God cannot love me because of my past.”
One of the key purposes of evangelism is to confront these false identities with the truth of who we are in God’s eyes—a spiritual “wake-up call.”
So, how do we help others see their true identity through the gospel, especially in today’s age of tolerance and relativism? Here are four powerful tips to guide us:
1. Recognize that only the Holy Spirit can open people’s eyes to the truth about themselves.
I like the paraphrase that the Easy English Bible provides for John 16:8, “When he (the Holy Spirit) comes, he will show the people of this world what they are like. He will show clearly that they are wrong. They are wrong about what sin really is. They are wrong about who is right with God.” When we share the gospel, it is important to know that the Spirit is using our words to penetrate the heart and mind of a person. Our success in helping someone see their true identity is not based on our natural ability to persuade but on His ability to work through us.
2. Remember, if it were not for God’s grace, we would have no idea about our identity either.
When I share the gospel, I try to keep this in mind, “How would I think, act, or respond if I did not know Christ?” That, coupled with knowing that I came to Christ by His grace alone, helps alleviate frustration and enables me to extend love and kindness when presenting Biblical truth. 1 Peter 3:15 says to “always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect”. Remembering who I was without Christ helps me give a defense without being arrogant or condescending.
3. Learn WHY they believe what they believe about themselves.
A great question to ask someone who has a false sense of identity is, “What led you to that conclusion?” or “What makes you think that?” Belief is influenced by a myriad of things, including personal experiences, upbringing, culture, and social interactions. Learning why a person thinks the way they do can help you address the issue with better understanding and empathy.
4. Recognize that one of the best ways to reveal to a person that they are loved by God is for you to love them.
When you share the gift of the gospel, make sure that you gift wrap it with sincere love and concern in both word and deed. Let your interactions reflect the grace, mercy, and compassion of Christ. When the gospel is shared with words and actions, it becomes a living witness to how God sees them—seen, valued, and loved.
As believers, we have the privilege of partnering with the Holy Spirit to help others awaken to their true identity and their desperate need for the Lord. Let us be faithful in sharing truth with grace, love, and humility, and watch as God transforms lives through the power of His gospel, giving them a new identity in Christ.
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