Confronting the Fear of Rejection

Confronting the Fear of Rejection

Confronting the Fear of Rejection Ouch! That hurt! If that is not what you have been tempted to say when you have shared the gospel, either you have not shared it enough or you are not being honest with yourself. Sooner or later, you will face those who plainly reject...
How to Uncover the Gift of Evangelism in Your Church

How to Uncover the Gift of Evangelism in Your Church

How to Uncover the Gift of Evangelism in Your Church You’ve likely heard people say, “I have the gift of teaching” or “I have the gift of hospitality.”  How often, though, have you heard someone say, “I have the gift of evangelism?” Someone recently said to me, “Why...
Reaching the Reluctant Relative

Reaching the Reluctant Relative

Reaching the Reluctant Relative If you have one or more unbelieving relatives, I am certain you know how difficult it can seem to start a conversation that moves toward the gospel. I am also certain this article will be of help to you. People who have not chosen to...
3 Steps to be More Relational in Evangelism

3 Steps to be More Relational in Evangelism

3 Steps to be More Relational in Evangelism You don’t have to have a long relationship with someone before you share your faith. But we always want to be relational when we share. Here are three steps to becoming more relational in evangelism. Demonstrate Your Care In...