The Blog
Ideas, Stories, & InspirationWhat if I Have Committed the Unpardonable Sin?
The question of the unpardonable sin arises from Christ’s warning in Mark 3:28-29. But what did He mean? While there is no unpardonable sin today, there remains one unpardoned sin—rejecting Christ’s payment for our salvation. No sin is too great for God’s forgiveness, but will we accept His grace?
Uncovering True Identity: The Power of the Gospel in a World of False Perceptions
Our identity—how we perceive ourselves—shapes our decisions, relationships, values, and even our potential. However, how we see ourselves is not always the same as who we truly are. One of the key purposes of evangelism is to confront these false identities with the truth of who we are in God’s eyes—a spiritual “wake-up call.”
Holiday Evangelism: Do’s and Don’ts for Authentic Outreach
The holiday season offers a unique opportunity to share the gospel, but it can also come with its own set of challenges. By keeping a few simple principles in mind, you can navigate the holiday obstacles and make Christ known in a way that feels natural and authentic.
How to Overcome the Challenges of Sharing the Gospel with Family
Overcome the challenges of sharing your faith with family. Discover practical tips on prayer, shifting your perspective, and staying committed to God’s call to share the Gospel boldly. Be inspired to step out in faith this Christmas, trust the Holy Spirit, and make Christ known in your every conversations.
Two Great Promises That Empower You to Fulfill the Great Commission in Your Center
Sharing the gospel has become more challenging as the world becomes more chaotic. This can lead to frustration and discouragement for many believers in fulfilling Christ’s mission. Fortunately, God has given you two great promises within the Great Commission. These promises serve as bookends for the command by encouraging and supporting you as you carry it out.
Five Mistakes People Make When Evangelizing Family Members
Discover the five common mistakes believers make when sharing the gospel with their family members and learn how to avoid them. This insightful guide offers practical tips to present the message of salvation with clarity, compassion, and confidence, helping you reach those you love most with the hope of Christ.
Loving Family Members Who Are Hard to Love
Struggling to love certain family members? This blog offers faith-centered strategies to navigate challenging family dynamics with grace and compassion. Explore practical tips on forgiveness, empathy, humility, and prayer as ways to love, even when it’s tough.
How to Witness to a Nominal Christian
Learn how to witness to nominal Christians who may know the language of faith but not the Lord. This blog offers practical advice on asking the right questions and sharing the gospel effectively, emphasizing the need for prayer, and reliance on God.
“Evangelical” Isn’t a Political Label
Is it wrong to influence people toward a viewpoint that we believe aligns with biblical principles? Absolutely not! But what if our efforts to influence them are greater than our efforts to share the gospel with them? What if a watching world begins to equate our political views as the sum of Christianity?
Further Reading
6 Ways to Recognize a Nominal Christian: Signs and Sensitivity in Discerning Genuine Faith
Learn to identify the signs of a “nominal Christian”—someone who claims Christianity but lacks a genuine relationship with Jesus. Discover six key indicators, based on scripture, and understand how to approach this sensitive issue with humility, grace, and discernment, while sharing the gospel effectively.
Three Things NOT to Do When Leading a Child to Christ
Leading a child to Jesus is one of the highest privileges we have as believers. Not only does the child come to know the Lord, but they have their entire lives to serve Him.
10 Biblical Reasons Why Evangelism Should Be a High Priority in Your Center
The bottom line of EvanTell’s “Save the Mother, Save Her Child” initiative is to proclaim the gospel, specifically by training and equipping the staff and volunteers of PRCs to share the good news with confidence, clarity, and kindness.The main reason we focus on sharing the gospel is because Jesus commanded it.
“Let the Little Children Come to Me” — Why Sharing the Gospel with Children Matters
It’s common to think that evangelism was designed for Christian adults to reach other adults, but have you considered the opportunity God may be giving you to share the Gospel with a child in your life?
A Letter of Hope for Sinners and Saints
This blog contrasts sinners and saints, highlighting that everyone falls short of God’s standards, but faith in Christ brings forgiveness and redemption. It addresses the disappointment when Christian leaders fail, reminding readers to focus on Jesus, the unchanging source of hope and salvation. The article encourages prayer for church leaders and invites non-Christians to explore faith in Christ.
Criticizing the Messengers Can Impede the Message
This blog explores the importance of guarding our words and attitudes when discussing preachers, especially in front of non-Christians. Reflecting on a personal encounter, it offers practical principles for examining our motives, heart, and words to ensure we uplift rather than hinder others in their spiritual journey.
Get Good with Telling
Discover how a solo birthday dinner led to a profound reflection on sharing the gospel. Learn three key steps—knowing your why, getting training, and practicing—on how to confidently and effectively share your faith with others, inspired by a personal encounter with God’s grace.
Responding to Unbelievers Who Struggle as They Observe Fallen Church Leaders
Few things bother a non-Christian more than when a believer’s lips say one thing and his life says another. Witnessing to an unbeliever who has observed such a contradiction can be difficult. So how do you respond? Bearing several principles in mind can determine if that hypocritical believer becomes a barrier or a bridge to sharing the gospel.
I Just Need to Live the Christian Life in Evangelizing the Lost, Is That Enough?
It is important to live a life around unbelievers that commends the Savior to them. But that is not enough! They need to hear the greatest message they have ever heard – Christ died for our sins and rose from the dead.
Evangelism Misconceptions: “I’m Responsible if Someone Says ‘No’ to the Gospel”
Discover the truth about evangelism misconceptions and learn why you’re not responsible if someone says “No” to the gospel. Explore personal experiences, biblical reasons, and key lessons to help you understand that your role is to share the message, not to convert. Embrace your evangelistic journey with confidence and leave the results to God.
When Your Fear of Others Keeps You from Sharing with Others
Struggling with the fear of sharing your faith? Learn how “the fear of man” can trap believers and how trusting in God can help you overcome this obstacle, allowing you to share the gospel confidently and lovingly.
Confronting the Fear of Rejection
This blog offers practical and biblical insights for sharing the gospel fearlessly. Learn how to handle rejection, stay faithful to God’s message, and cultivate boldness through four actionable steps. Overcome fear and continue your evangelism with confidence.
How to Be “For Culture” Without Being “Of Culture”
Discover how Christians can navigate the balance between being “sent” and “sanctified” in the world. Explore principles from Jesus’s prayer in John 17:15-20 and practical steps for engaging with culture while maintaining a Christ-like holiness.
How Our Worldview Impacts Our Witness
Discover how our worldview shapes our approach to sharing the gospel through contrasting perspectives and explore the profound implications for evangelism. Gain valuable perspective on the importance of aligning our convictions with our actions for a compelling witness to the transformative power of faith.
3 Important Steps to Cultivate a Child’s Heart for Christ
Discover the profound impact of a grandfather’s love and influence on a journey to faith. Delve into the invaluable gifts of undivided attention, unconditional love, and an uncomplicated gospel, shaping a legacy that spans generations. Explore how cultivating hearts can pave the way for receiving God’s gift of salvation.
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