How to Share Your Faith More in 2020

by Jan 8, 2020Holidays, Personal Evangelism

Many believers start the New Year with a resolution to share their faith more than they did in the previous year.

The problem is that, as with other resolutions, sharing the gospel begins to fall toward the back burner. Many have said to me, “Just like my other New Year resolutions, I started well but didn’t carry through.”

So, the question they often ask me is, “How can I prioritize evangelism in January and keep it as high a priority in July?”

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Over the years, I have come up with four suggestions that I believe will make a noticeable difference and bring about year-long results.

Tell Jesus First

When God says in Philippians 4:6 (NKJV), “Let your requests be made known to God,” He means it. The context is that of anxiety and worry, but the idea is that anything that concerns you, you bring to Him.

No one has a greater desire to see you carry through in sharing your faith consistently than He does. He gave His very life to bring people the gift of salvation. Therefore, as with other areas, you may find Him doing “exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think.” (Ephesians 3:20) 

Prepare Before You Go

Often, we lose steam to share our faith not from a lack of desire, but lack of know-how. You may not be sure how to turn a conversation to spiritual things; you may be uncertain how to lay out the plan of salvation; perhaps you’re fearful that you may not be able to answer their questions, or you’re not certain how far to “push” the conversation.

Training could make all the difference. And at EvanTell, it’s what we’re all about. We prepare believers to go and tell the gospel with confidence, clarity, and kindness. You can take our free online training now

Be one of those who say to us, “Before your training, I talked to next to nobody about my faith; now I talk to everybody.”

Pray Through Your Contacts

You cannot have personal evangelism without personal contact. To share your faith with others you have to be around them.

Pray about where and how can you have contact on a month-by-month basis with those you’re seeking to reach? Of course, that involves time, and some would say more time than they have because they’re just too busy. But may I suggest to you that the problem is not that we are too busy; rather, it’s that our busyness does not afford us time to spend with those who need us so badly.

So, as you look at your contacts, also look at your schedule. What can you take out to work non-Christians in? Let go of something in order to be around of people who need you, or more importantly, need the Savior.


Find an Accountability Partner

“Accountability” is a word used today in many ways and for many things. Strangely though, it is rarely used in sharing our faith. What a great help it is to have a believing friend who asks from time to time, “What conversations have you had with an unbeliever this month?” Who knows? That believing friend might be so moved by your burden, he will may you to do the same for him!

While much more could be said here, I humbly suggest you put these four suggestions to work. Experience has proven that if you do, sharing your faith will move beyond a resolution to something your were able to accomplish for the glory of God.

Greatest of all, God might use the impact of your witness on His kingdom to make this year one of the most spiritually satisfying you have ever known.