Live Training for Pregnancy Centers
The staff and volunteers of faith-based pregnancy centers are on the frontlines. They encounter vulnerable people who need the Savior, yet who might not otherwise enter a church or hear the gospel of grace. In response, EvanTell has offered online evangelism training to pregnancy centers for well over a decade.
In early 2022 we have realized there is a growing need for live training as well, especially after the overturn of Roe V. Wade in 2022. We decided to reboot the live training portion of SMSC starting in the DFW area. This new training called, “Wherever You Go,” is focused on sharing the gospel in conversations with confident, clarity, and kindness. Our goal is to help PRC’s foster an environment of evangelism so that mothers, fathers, and their children can experience life now and for eternity.
We are excited to share that on Tuesday, October 24th, three of our team members traveled down to Cleburn, TX on behalf of SMSC to lead the first mini “Wherever You Go” training for PRC’s. It was such a joy to spend the lunch hour with twelve of Cleburn Pregnancy Center’s staff and volunteers.
During this 1.5hr training we were able to cover how to prepare your mindset, how to manage conversations, and how to be clear with your message. This training provides a lot of helpful tips on how to transition conversations well by listening, leading, and sharing the gospel in a clear and straightforward way with clients.
We just want to say a big thank you to Cleburn Pregnancy Center for allowing us to come in and share this new training with them. Below are a few photos and quotes from those that attended the training.
“Since starting here at Cleburn, the hardest clients for me to transition into spiritual things with is girls who say they are believers or are catholic. I am so thankful for a segway to go deeper them – to help find out what they believe and know their heart.”
“I learned so much about how I can be used to further the kingdom through the Holy Spirit working through me. Thank you so much for being used by the Holy Spirit to bring all of us ONE STEP closer to God and with a greater understanding!”
“Presentation was clear, and I feel comfortable that I could follow the methods given for presenting the gospel.”

If you work for a pregnancy center and would like more information about this new training or any of our other resources, please let us know! We would love to be able to come along side your center and help your staff and volunteers feel confident in sharing the gospel clearly and simply with every client they meet.
Contact Us
PO Box 703929
Dallas, TX 75370-3929